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Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Finale

“am Scheideweg 2″…
Eigentlich ist es ja gar nicht meine Art, da ich von diesen endlos Serien nicht viel halte, doch diese Serie hat mich von Anfang an begeistert, obwohl doch die Namen und Personen zum Movie stark durch einander gewürfelt wurden. Dennoch gab es keine Serienfolge wie die „am Scheideweg 1&2“ welche mich so sehr in ihren Bann gezogen haben.

…am Wochenende war es dann soweit…. die letzten Folgen waren schon von einer unheimlichen Ahnung und einer seltsamen Melodie bestimmt…..

„Am Scheideweg 1&2“ zeigt eine Interessante Darstellung um die Geschehnisse des Vefahrens gegen Balta und dann immer diese Ansätze von der Musik… welche nur von einer bestimmten Personengruppe wahrgenommen wird und eine Andeutung ihrer wahren Charakteren vermuten lässt. Erst so fremd und dann doch so vertraut… Hier nun wird es Gewissheit, 4 von den ersten 5 Zylonen werden sich selbst erkennen. Dieses wirft die aufgebaut „kleine“ Galactica-Welt erst einmal komplett aus ihrer Bahn. Die Musik, die dort offenbart wird und die dazu laufenden Bilder hätten es besser nicht treffen können. Eine rasante Kamerafahrt durchs All welche die Piloten begleitet und einen „weitentfernten“ Blick auf das Ziel Erde wirft. Ein Pilotengespann aus Apollo und Starbuck, wobei man sich fragen kann: ist Starbuck real oder bildet sich Apollo dieses nur ein? Und wer ist der letzte fünfte Zylon?
So fantastisch wie diese Season mit einem klasse Song startete, so endet sie schließlich mit einer weiteren rasanten Kamerafahrt unterlegt durch diesen Song.
Zu Beginn der Season war alles in geregelten Bahnen, eine „kleine heile“ Galactica-Welt, eine Familie….doch nun durch die Erkenntnis wer 4 von den 5 verbliebenen Zylonen sind, ist nichts mehr so wie es war.

Das Original von Bob Dylan, extra für die Serie gecovert „All along the watchtowers“ von Komponist Bear McCreary und begleitet von seinem Bruder (BT4).
Hier mal eine interessante Song Analyse, gefunden in einem Blog:

Do I have a tag for “complete nerd-out”? No, I don’t think so. Regardless, this is it. I’m gonna slice up the lyrics to the Bob Dylan song*** and analyse them against the Battlestar Galactica story. Why? Because it’s Monday. That’s why.

There must be some way out of here

It’s the search for Earth and the hope that Earth implies. The “here” is most probably the constant and tiring vacuum of space.

said the Joker to the Thief

I believe that The Joker is the human faction, and The Thief is the Cylon faction. I’m still betting on the fact that The 4/5ths are not Cylons per se, but a unification force.

There’s too much confusion

Isn’t everyone confused? The last two seasons have built a muddle where bad and good meld into a mess.

I can’t get no relief

Well, clearly that’s obvious. Both fleets are on an exhausting space journey that seems to have no end.

Businessmen, they drink my wine

Wine is a universal symbol for the spirit of life–ask anyone who’s taken communion. This line talks about how the day-to-day struggle saps the spirit of the humans. (After all, it is the Human Faction who is speaking here, in the guise of The Joker.)

plowmen dig my earth

Again the Joker (Human faction) is complaining about the feeling of rape at the hands of everyman. Earlier in the episode Lee Adama said the Humans had become a gang. This is more expression of that.

None of them along the line know what any of it is worth

Clearly the rag-tag fleet of humans is still mired in the pettiness of everyday life and are not entirely grasping the larger concepts of life and freedom. That was obvious in the trial and at the way the gallery was so easily led.

“No reason to get excited” the Thief, he kindly spoke

Now we’re to the Cylon portion of the song, assuming that The Thief is the Cylon faction–which I believe he is. The Cylons have already been shown to be the monotheistic and more faith-based culture of the two. This line is typical of the Cylons trying to impart their god on the humans. (Think Leoben and Six)

“There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke”

Look! Brother Cavill has his own line of the song! Of course this could apply to many in the human fleet as well.

But you and I, we’ve been through that and this is not our fate

Once again, the song can be taken to prove out my theory of the 4/5ths being unifiers. They’ve been through the vacillations of the joke of life and are pursuing a higher truth.

So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late

The two factions have been chasing around the vastness of space for awhile. The time has come to get serious about going to Earth. The hour IS getting late as they run out of fuel, patience and the dream of civilisation.

All along the watchtower, princes kept the view while all the women came and went, barefoot servants too.

There are some (princes) on earth who are waiting for the approaching fleets. The women and servants are the generations who have lived and died during the 13th colony’s vigil.

Outside in the distance, a wildcat did growl

The war between the Cylons and humans that set this whole thing in motion.

Two riders were approaching

The Humans and Cylons are at last approaching earth

The wind began to howl

Winds of change are blowing, man. The answer is blowing in that wind.

gefunden hier:mycropht.wordpress.com

hier das tribute video für “starbuck”
Youtube: [youtube J1__dINxiXU]

Alles in allem … die Serie ist absolut sehenswert!


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